Q & A
Question: My firm is a small business certified with the State of California Department of General Services (DGS). Why is it not appearing when I search the OCLSBverify database?
Answer: If it has been less than 3 business days since you registered with DGS, your business info may not appear in the OCLSBverify database.
It could take up to 3 business days for DGS certification to appear in the OCLSBverify database.
If it has been more than 3 business days since you registered with DGS and you are unable to locate your business in the OCLSBverify database,
it is likely due to the following errors:
- You have incorrectly entered your legal company name
- Your certification with DGS is no longer valid
- Your principal center of operations is not within Orange County or is listed as a post office box
- Your current address does not match the address on your DGS certification.
Question: Can I apply for a DGS certification through the County’s OCLSBverify site?
Answer: No. Small Business certifications are managed by the State of California DGS and must be submitted directly to their web site.
The purpose of this OCLSBverify site is to validate that vendors already certified with DGS meet the County of Orange’s Local Small Business preference requirements.
** Reminder – it could take up to 3 business days for DGS certification to appear in the OCLSBverify database.
Question: What functions are available on the OCLSBverify site?
Answer: This site provides the following functions:
- Certifies if your business meets the County’s Local Small Business (OCLSB) preference requirements
- Allows certified OCLSB businesses the ability to print an OCLSB eligibility certificate to submit with their bids or proposals
- Provides live 24/7 assistance via the online Chat Tool
- Via the Chat Tool, provides the ability to submit a Request for Reconsideration which, if approved, would allow the requesting company to print a two-week temporary OCLSB eligibility certificate.
Question: How long is my validation certificate valid?
Answer: Your OCLSB eligibility certificate is valid through the expiration date listed on the certificate or
until your company no longer meets the OCLSB preference requirements at which time the certificate becomes void.
(The expiration date of your OCLSB certificate coincides with the expiration date of your firms DGS Small Business certification.)
The County of Orange requires that all OCLSB eligibility certificates submitted be valid at the time of bid or proposal submission and contract award.
For any other questions related to the Orange County Small Business Preference Policy or to contact the County of Orange, please visit the OCLSB website at
Question: What is the timeframe for the County to process my Request for Reconsideration?
Answer: Vendor Requests for Reconsideration will typically be processed within 3 business days. If the Request is approved, a two-week temporary certificate will be provided to the Requestor to allow vendors to finalize the certification process. The Temporary Certificate will not be extended, and no additional certificate will be provided. This is a courtesy Orange County is extending to vendors in support of their effort to become OCLSB certified.